Blog Diann Wingert Blog Diann Wingert

Be Your Own Coach

Do you want to overcome your limitations and achieve mental wellness, but feel like your therapy sessions don't work? I can teach you to be your own life coach.

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Blog Diann Wingert Blog Diann Wingert

So Many Ideas, Not Enough Time

Are you a creator of great ideas, but can't seem to find the time to work on them? Be committed to creating a plan, working on your ideas, and getting all the way to done or the world will be without your gifts and magic.

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Blog Diann Wingert Blog Diann Wingert

Hitting a Think Hole

If we allow our thoughts to run freely, we will get stuck in a think hole. It is important to identify which thoughts are helpful in achieving your goals.

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Sheeple to Wolf Pack

You won't be able to discover your gifts and potential if you continue to look for answers by following others. Stop trying to fit in and just be you.

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Quick Hits & Big Wins

We tend to go for immediate gratification where we think that more work means high productivity. Identify the things that are important and stay focused.

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Blog Diann Wingert Blog Diann Wingert

It's OK to be Extra

You cannot please everybody, and not everyone will be able to understand you. Don't try so hard to fit in, maybe you were born to stand out.

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Bad Advice

When we listen to other people's insights on how we live our lives, we limit our potential. You are the boss of your life and you get to decide how you run it.

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More Than One Way to Be Queen

My admiration for the queens in George R. R. Martin's book series. These characters have been through a lot yet they remain strong, powerful, and driven.

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Healers and Dealers

Are we helping our clients or are we doing more harm to them? A perspective on how a therapist or coach can effectively support a person's mental health.

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Expect the Unexpected

Your tendency to procrastinate and not plan things ahead can make you disorganized. Practice the habit of planning and avoid unnecessary pressure and stress.

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Watch Your Language

When you're in a difficult situation, choose your words carefully. You can achieve emotional wellness by changing how you think and what you say to yourself.

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The Driven Girl

Do you have the freedom to pursue your goals? Seeing the importance of supporting and believing in a person's dream and potential to help them stay driven.

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Winging It

The easiest way to get to a goal is to have a plan, to take action, and stick with it even if there are days when we don't feel like it. Why can't we just wing it?

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