Transforming Your ADHD Symptoms into Strengths

Welcome to the fourth episode of the Entrepreneurs with ADHD Series! In a world that often perceives ADHD solely through the lens of deficits and challenges, it's time to embrace a new perspective.  

In this solo episode, I invite you to join me in challenging the traditional narrative and embracing the power of ADHD characteristics in entrepreneurship and personal relationships.  

I will examine seven of the most common symptoms of ADHD, as listed in the DSM V, and then use examples of clients,  friends, and family members, as well as myself, to change the story from limitation to advantage. The DSM V is the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the psychiatric bible used by mental health professionals. 

Here are 5 key takeaways you can expect from this uplifting episode:

  • Identify with individuals who have ADHD and excel at juggling diverse tasks with ease, turning distractibility into adaptability and spontaneity.

  • Discover how ADHD forgetfulness can be a source of mindfulness and can lead to more honest and authentic relationships

  • Recognize impulsivity as the source of spontaneity and adaptability, essential traits for navigating the uncertain waters of entrepreneurship.

  • Find out how restlessness can be a reflection of curiosity and a thirst for exploration, driving individuals with ADHD towards exciting adventures and novel experiences.  

  • Embrace inattentiveness as a gateway to creativity and original thinking, paving the way for innovative artistic endeavors and bold experimentation.

Mentioned in this episode:

Episode # 206_Meditation and Mindfulness for Busy Brains with Jude Star 

Episode #  How to Deal with Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) 

Loved this episode? Word of mouth is still the very best way to get a podcast into the ears of the people who most want to hear it, so if this episode gave you an “ah ha” moment,  please share it with a newly diagnosed friend or one who has yet to see their ADHD traits as strengths.  Here’s a link to make it easy:

If you’re ready to make your business more ADHD-friendly, especially if you struggle to see your ADHD traits as strengths,  book a free consultation here.  Let’s talk about how I can help.


Is ADHD an Entrepreneurship Advantage?


Beyond the Stereotype: Redefining Entrepreneurship for Women with ADHD