How Intermittent Fasting & Deep Work Can Help ADHD Brains
Uncover Marisa Moon's R.E.S.E.T. approach to intermittent fasting, designed for sustained energy and mental clarity. Learn how to thrive as an entrepreneur with ADHD-friendly strategies for productivity and writing.
The Business Blind Spots that Keep You Busy, not Productive
As a driven female entrepreneur, juggling multiple responsibilities can become overwhelming and can keep you stuck in place, spinning your wheels. But what if I told you that you can cut your to-do list in half without sacrificing productivity?
Say Goodbye to Procrastination: Tips for Solopreneurs to Boost Productivity
Solopreneurs and small business owners often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, so it's essential to identify procrastination triggers and implement effective strategies to stay focused and on task. It requires a blend of time management techniques, self-awareness, and guidance.
Entrepreneurial Inertia
I made up the expression, but the inertia part is actually a physics phenomenon you are probably aware of. I use this term, Entrepreneurial Inertia to explain two of the most common tendencies that entrepreneurs have that make us a mystery (or completely annoying) to others.
Expectations vs. Reality: How to Bridge the Gap
This solo episode explores "obligation management" for female entrepreneurs. Learn to set healthy boundaries, manage expectations, and overcome overwhelm for sustained success.
It's About Time
Are you an adult ADHD working on your time management skills? If you have poor time awareness, you can follow these easy steps.
So Many Ideas, Not Enough Time
Are you a creator of great ideas, but can't seem to find the time to work on them? Be committed to creating a plan, working on your ideas, and getting all the way to done or the world will be without your gifts and magic.
Hitting a Think Hole
If we allow our thoughts to run freely, we will get stuck in a think hole. It is important to identify which thoughts are helpful in achieving your goals.
Conquer Your To-Do List: Hacks for Taming Tedious Tasks
Stuck procrastinating on crucial tasks? This episode tackles how business owners with ADHD can conquer mundane, repetitive work and ditch the last-minute scramble. Discover 4 techniques to finally finish those important (but boring!) tasks.
Obligation Management
Learning how to manage your energy and obligations is more important than just managing time. Stay focused on your own goals and not what others expect of you.