Blog Diann Wingert Blog Diann Wingert

Why High Achievers Burn Out: The Four Types of Hidden Resistance 

Jane Elliot, PhD is an academic and coach who has a profound understanding of the psychology behind self-sabotage, particularly in highly intelligent and high-achieving individuals. We recently sat down to discuss her insights and the framework she created to identify and address the different types of avoidance that hold them back. I found myself nodding in agreement, recognizing myself and others in the different avoidance styles she described. In this post, I share the four types and some personal insights and reflections on each one.

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Blog Diann Wingert Blog Diann Wingert

The Art of Boundaries: Preventing Burnout in Your Creative Business

Many of my clients are independent creatives and they are some of my favorite people to work with.  Ashley Lloyd, a multi-talented landscape designer had already experienced success in the high-end fashion industry before reinventing herself and starting her current business.   She reached out to me to help her streamline and uncomplicate her offers, and her workflows to burnout-proof her business. This post is about how we did that, and the results we achieved. 

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