The Science Behind Inevitable Success

The more experienced I become as a business coach, the more convinced I am that the secret to success is understanding how the human brain works and how to outsmart it.  Our brains do not care if we are happy, fulfilled, or reaching our potential.  They are giving themselves an A+ if we are still alive, because that is actually our brain’s job description.  

Being successful requires that you use your mind to bypass the brain’s default programming and in this episode, I am going to share with you a couple of hacks for how to do it. 

Here are just a few of the highlights: 

  • Thoughts about what we are capable of are learned and can be unlearned.

  • Beliefs are just thoughts we have a lot of experience thinking. 

  • Your brain is a lazy mofo that burns  a lot of calories defending the status quo 

  • Imposter complex, self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs are autopilot settings

  • How to think like your success has already happened, making it inevitable 

Want a double dose of this life-changing wisdom about how your brain actually works?   I dug episode #3 out of the podcast archives.  It's a quick one, so click here to listen:

If you know you are holding yourself back because you need a thought upgrade, it’s time to unlearn your old thinking? 

With 20+ years of experience as a psychotherapist and 5+ years as a coach, I rarely meet a solopreneur who wouldn’t benefit from some expert guidance in this area. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to see if my signature 12-week 1:1 coaching program is right for you.

Let’s connect on Instagram: 


So, that’s all for now, Driven Woman!  See you next week, when Amira Alvarez of the Unstoppable Woman Podcast is going to be my guest.  She is a very inspiring woman who really made me think in new ways and I can’t wait to share our convo with you. 


Closing the Performance Gap: A Client Success Story with Dallas


Make Success a No Brainer